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You don’t feel like dealing with whatever fiasco Korwin is up to and the dogs are always so nice, even if they can be rowdy. As you approach the gate of the dog enclosure, a St. Bernard bounds towards you and tosses his paws on the gate as he tries to lick your face before you can even enter the enclosure. After some persuasion, you manage to get into the enclosure and the entire group of dogs rush at you for attention. You sit with your back against the fence and a corgi instantly rolls into your lap, exposing his stomach for you to pet him. The excitable St. Bernard sniffs at the corgi and you pet him in order to pull his attention away from sniffing the smaller dog’s crotch. The dogs continue to compete for your attention until some eventually lose interest and others get worn out, forming a ring of sleeping dogs around and on you. The blanket of dogs doesn't help with the heat but you’re willing to make the sacrifice for them.

You didn’t cum and that’s okay.