The heat might be awful today but at least the ranch has a lot of shade and it might help pass some time to go out there. Korwin is usually out there causing some sort of problem and that can always end up with some pretty entertaining situations anyways. Going down the hall, you cut through Korwin’s room, tripping on a mess of animal caretaking supplies, sex toys, and tools that fall into one of the two previous categories but you aren’t sure which. Navigating through their room, you reach the heavy wooden door to the outside, already propped fully open. Korwin knows you don’t like when they leave the door open in case any unexpected guests get into the house but they never seem to care. You pass through and shove the door shut behind you.
The air is hot and humid with the scent of a zoo flooding your nose. You’ve grown so used to the mix of smells and sounds but it still hits you hard when you first step out to the ranch each time. You notice an enclosure not far from you is spread completely open, an uncommon occurrence that is usually the sign of an escapee or that there is some sort of animal specific work being done. An enclosure even closer to you bounds with excitement as you pass by, a full pack of dogs all announcing your arrival. The dogs are always nice even if they are too easily excited and you know Korwin’s work doesn’t exactly discourage some of their behaviors. Past the sounds of the dogs you can hear a different barking that you recognize as Korwin’s.