Name: Erastus
Pronouns: they/them
Height: 9'
Erastus is an amorphous dragon made entirely of goo aside from the nautilus shell that they store inside of themself. They are capable of condensing or expanding themself to a variety of sizes and shapes, even able to fit their entire form into the nautilus shell. Erastus is unable to speak but communicates through a form of telepathy that plants images in others' heads to communicate. Asher first discovered Erastus when he went to the beach with Korwin. Shortly after reaching the beach, images of him finding the shell came into his head until he finally dug in the sand and uncovered the shell that contained Erastus. Erastus allowed Asher to bring them back to the ranch and has stayed there since. Erastus spends most of their time reading and studying the others in a multitude of ways.